Want to try it for yourself?
Autocross is a lot more than just driving your car fast in a parking lot and dodging cones. To get good at the sport, you need preparation, skill and strategy.
All of that comes with time though. If you’re looking for a way to get started this section of the site is your best bet. Below you’ll findhelpful resources for how to get started with our club.
We’re here to help. We understand that your first event can be a little overwhelming. That’s why we’ve put together a comprehensive Novice Autocross Guide designed to answer the vast majority of questions we get from novices year after year. We ask that you please take time to read this document in its entirety before you ask for additional help.
For your first few events you can register in the ‘Novice’ class and not worry about what class your car falls into. But if you do want to figure it out and register under the correct class, check out the SCCA Solo Rules to figure out what class you’re in.
Check out this SCCA Classification Assistant for a step-by-step guide to classing your specific car:
Highlands Sports Car Club uses MotorsportReg for online registration, online payments, and membership management. If you do not already have an account with MSR, you will need to create one before you can register for our events online.
Everyone must register and pay online for all of our events. Doing so allows us to quickly check you in at the event. All of our events have a limited number of participant slots available. This is to attempt to get everyone a decent number of runs. If you want to ensure you are able to participate, sign up for the events early! All event registrations for the year are open.